DAY 30!

30 days down, 22 more to go!!! (I messed up when I said the total was going to be 50…because I can’t count)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if you have even pondered with the idea of going Paleo, JUST DO IT! 30 days is like NOTHING. SEt your mind to it and I promise you, you will feel the difference. In general, I am sleeping better, feeling more awake throughout the day, not snacking in between meals and feeling energized throughout my workouts. It’s like my body has been rejuvenated. That may sound dramatic, but seriously this change will make DRAMATIC differences in your day to day life. Not only is my body feeling better but am feeling better about my body. Weighing yourself is a “no-no” during whole30, but some people had been asking me what my results were. I knew I had lost weight – it was obvious (to me and to the shorts that I was able to start wearing again) but I didn’t know an actual number. Well, I caved and weighed myself yesterday when I got to the gym – AND I AM DOWN TWELVE POUNDS! Now let me tell you, I have only been working out 3-4 times a week for about 1 hour each. Nothing crazy, just running on the treadmill, going to a class at the gym, or lifting weights. The main thing I have been doing is CHANGING MY DIET.

For SO long I have just tried to “watch my portions” or eat 6 small meals or whatever other fad I was trying to get on board with. But it was never sustainable for me, because there wasn’t a reason behind those – just the want to lose weight. Now that I have a better understanding of what certain foods can do to your body, it’s a lot easier to just not eat them. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I will ever look at a bag of Doritos in disgust (because…how could I?) but I don’t look at them with the longing-ness that I used to because I know that they are NOT DOING ANYTHING HELPFUL for my body. (And I can make a snack at home that I like AND that is good for me…hello apples and almond butter) I read a quote the other day that I want to share with you all because it really struck a chord with me: “If you eat what you’ve always eaten, you’ll weigh what you’ve always weighed.”

It was my time to stop making excuses and I am so glad that I did. Here’s to you being able to make the same great changes for your body, or whatever changes work best for you, and to our health getting better. (and our clothes getting looser!)

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